II  International Walking Football Congress, online
Publicado pela RUTIS a 22/07/2023

In May, Walking Football Portugal organized the 1st International Walking Football Congress, which had as speakers John Croot, the creator of Walking Football; a element of UEFA and of WF Brasil and Alan Rose, President of the IWFF (International Walking Football Federation).

Given the success of this 1st World Congress of Walking Football we are organising the 2nd Congress, this time online, on 29 September so that everyone can participate.

We have already confirmed speakers from Scotland, Canada, Sweden, France, Japan, Marocco, United States and Austrália.

We would like to invite you participate at this congress. No fee until Setember 20th, 2024. After: 20 euros. Registration here.  

For this congress we are doing a short study on Walking football in the World.


9.00 am, Brussels Time (CEST)

Opening session

Luis Jacob (Presidente of RUTIS and Coordinator of Walking Football Portugal)

François Vellas (President of AIUTA, International Association of Universities of the Third Age)

To indicate, Portuguese Institute of Sports and Youth

Keynote speaker

9.20 am: Marie Blanchard (Public Affairs Officer & Spokesperson for U.S. Embassy Lisbon). US Government’s efforts and national level programs to render athletic participation more accessible and inclusive.

Walking football in the world, part I

9.35 am: Mohamed Moustaine  (Association Marocaine de Football en Marchant), The WF in Morocco

9.50 am: Rachel Gomez (Presidente of N9WFC, NS walking football club, Malaysia), The WF in Asia/Pacific

10.05am: To indicate, The WF in Austrália

10.20 am: First testimony: Extreme Surfing legend Garrett McNamara (USA), star of HBO’s “100 Foot Wave” and his team-mate and wife Nicole: “It’s Never Too Late” – what it takes to make things happen at any point (even later!) in life.

10.40 am: Pause

Communication, ethics and happiness in sport

11 am:, Jorge Humberto Dias (University teacher, Expert in Happiness, Well-Being and Social Responsibility). Happiness in sport

11.15 am: Cláudia Janela (Team Manager Women Football, Sport Communication),  Communication in sport,

11.30 am: Jorge de Carvalho (Former Director of the IPDJ Sports Department), Ethics in sport

11.45 am: Life presentation of the Algarve tournament by Browns Sports Resort

12.00 am : Lunch time

Second and third testimonies

2pm: Phillip Bellamy (Player and founder of Walking football Madeira, Portugal), WF in Madeira Island

2.15pm: Jonathan Syed (East Algarve Walking football player, Portugal), One team, 20 nationalities

Federations and associations

2.30pm: Marie-Louise Dahlberg(Swedish Football Federation), WF in Sweden

2.45pm: Pierre de Rauglaudre (Président de l’AFFM, Association Française de Footballen Marchant),The collaboration between the French Walking Football Association and the French Football Federation

3 pm: Joséphine Thury (Social and Environmental Sustainability Coordinator, UEFA), The WF by UEFA

3.15 pm: To indicate, Portuguese Football Federation

3.30 pm: Moment of team work

3.45 pm: Fourth testimony: Willie Banks (USA), Track & Field Olympian and triple jump World Champion, Sports Management Consultant, and past President of the US Olympians Assoc. on “Motion is Lotion!” – the social dynamics of keeping moving

Walking football around the world, part II

4.00 pm: WF in Canada: Canadian Walking Football Association

4.15 pm: The WF in Scotland, Walking Football Scotland

4.30 pm: Jean Künzel (Division Manager Walking Football HSV e.V. (Hamburger Sportsverein e.V.), WF in Germany

4.45: Luis Jacob (President of RUTIS and Coordinator of Walking Football Portugal), WF in the world, presentation of the results of the global survey


Tony Norton, England Walking Football Community

To indicate, Commission Directorate-General For Education, Youth, Sport and Culture”

Can you help us by answering this survey?

With my best regards
Luis Jacob
Walking Football Portugal Coordinator